Behind the web

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


OUT NOW! Book: Moon Circles The Rising of Women in Sisterhood Written by the founder of Wild Woman Sisterhood, Tara Isis Gerris At Christmas Eve 2013, our very own WWS new baby is born.. We are so proud to announce to all of you, together with the launch of our  New Website,  we launch our very first book: Moon Circles The Rising of Women in Sisterhood A close review on the creation of Full Moon Circles A NEW way to lead us through the twelve or thirteen Full Moons each year and celebrate every month another aspect of our femininity. This book Unites the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere and brings it all together....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ode to our Ancient Sisterhood

Ode to our Ancient Sisterhood  By: Jan Porter   Jan: This fine collection of images came together as I was writing the first draft of my novel manuscript: Soul Skin. Enjoy! One Community; One Spirit. OM home is where the heart is, a sacred alignment with the divine and each other. OM, God, Creator or Allah, is that divine life force that exists beyond our day to day consciousness. It is a wise, intelligent and unconditionally loving force that lives within all animate and inanimate life forms. It unites us all through ancient sisterhoods and transcends all cultures, religions, philosophies and schools of thought....

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Solstice Full Moon June 23th, 2013

Welcome Sisters! (and Brothers!) .. to our Wild Woman Sisterhood Full Moon Guidance   Happy Solstice Super Strawberry Full Moon June 23th, 2013 FULL MOON “SuperMoon” in Capricorn is occurring two days after the Solstice! We must keep on truckin  ~developing our Inner Strength~ Feeling our truth ~and expanding our perceptions. Here are the Astral Insights from MYSTIC MAMMA from the most tapped in readers of the planetary bodies.. “The earthy Capricorn Full Moon on June 23 awakens the need to build your inner strength and security. The stronger you are on the inside the more you can achieve in the world. The Capricorn...

Friday, June 21, 2013

World Wide Solstice Full MoonCircle

Happy vibrant Solstice June 2013!    The solstice heralds the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter in the Southern Hemisphere. In 2013, the Solstice falls on Friday, June 21 at 5:04 Universal time, which is 1:04 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time and 12:04 A.M. Central Daylight Time.   As we are heading towards Full Moon, this sunday June 23th, this is a beautiful moment to celebrate and connect.. Put those flowers in your hair, lets light our fires and dance :))  In our next World Wide Solstice Full MoonCircle   The word Solstice is from the Latin solstitium, from sol (sun) and...

Monday, June 10, 2013

Run free and Wild like the Wolf

A Message for All Womenby Clarissa Pinkola Estes Run free and Wild like the Wolf THE wildness of the wolf is not readily apparent in the easy manner of Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a cheerful, soft-spoken woman who wears a red ribbon in her hair and a medal of the Virgin Mary around her neck.   "Mary is a girl gang leader in Heaven," said Dr. Estes, who has ordered the lunchtime special of meat loaf and mashed potatoes. "She is fuerte -- strong, fierce. We have been given this cleaned-up, Anglicized version of her. But the saints had calluses on their hands."   It was here in a quiet neighborhood bar and grill that Dr. Estes,...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wild Woman Sisterhood.. so far

A little more insight into Wild Woman Sisterhood Wild Woman Sisterhood is looking for You!   This is the moment for us to Go for it! Wild Woman Sisterhood is a beautiful project that inspires and Connect Women World Wide. WWS has a Higher Purpose. We started this project on January 15th 2013 and it is a succes since day 1! This world was asking for us. Our Higher Purpose is to make women (and men), who lost their inner connection, Aware of their wild nature again. To connect with our most Pure Divine Being.. to connect with each other, to share and communicate this to our environment and so we will pass this on...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Win Free Tickets for this Amazing Festival

Lightning in a Bottle festival in California Wild Woman Sisterhood is giving away 2 tickets  for this Amazing LIB Festival in California   These 2 Full Weekend Festival Passes normally costs: $240 each We Give them away for Free!   LIB 2013 is happening July 11-15th at Lake Skinner in Temecula, California.   Lightning in a Bottle is a celebration of Art, Sustainability, Music, Performance, and Life Itself.   LIB strives to be a greater expression each year. They take pride in curating local up and coming music talent and international world renowned artists. LIB paved the way for live painting...
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